
Thursday, 28 September 2017

My Holidays.

In the holidays I am going to Rainbows end I am old enough to go on all of the rids . I like all of the rids we are going to get ice cream and we are getting fish . It is my birthday on October the 8th . it going to be lots of fun! 

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

When I grow up f

I want to be batman and voice him so I can be rich because I would like it. and I can get a car so I can go somewhere and go to work and everywhere so I can eat and go places and I like my life and I will have a big house with my friends come over some can play my games like all of my games and god of war.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017


Dear politicians,
I want New Zealand to be a wonderful country to live in. Some things need to change. I  want my life to change so I can be smart . I want my house to change  too . I would like it if that happened.  I would have good days with myself and I would be good. I want some new beds and furniture. I like big houses because I can walk up the stairs and it is fun sliding down. Please make this country a better place to live in.
Yours sincerely,

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Star dome

On Thursday we went to the star dome we looked at stars and planets . We saw two planets they were Jupiter and Saturn . If you look through your telescope you can see Jupiter and Saturn.we were,on these chairs .we watched a movie with Robots. our teacher fell asleep! We were laughing . We saw Matariki stars . They were amazing! We saw an astronaut suit . It looked cool . I wish I could be a astronaut and when I got back on the bus I  liked it because I can sing again.