
Friday, 20 August 2021

Maths Whizz - Reflection


Response To Text - Task

 Future Olympics

Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.

1. What does the IOC stand for?

a) International Olympics Crown b) International Old Committee

c) International Olympic Committee d) Internal Olympic Committee

2. Where is the next Winter Olympics being held?

a) Australia b) Beijing

c) America d) Japan

3. Where are the next Summer Olympics being held?

a) Auckland b) Brisbane

c) LA d) Paris

4. List some of the events in the Winter Olympics?

Speed skating Ice hockey Ski jumping & Freestyle skiing 

5. True or False: Sydney Australia hosted the Olympic games in 2004 ?

a) True b) False

6. How many people live in Los Angeles?

a) 5 million b) 2.5 million

c) 4 million d) 6 million

7. Describe where Brisbane is and some key facts about Brisbane

Brisbane is the capital of Queensland. The river in Brisbane has been there since 1823 what’s almost 200 years ago.